Why am I not ovulating?
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Ovulation. the key to getting pregnant. Once you decide it is time to start trying for a baby, it can be tough to learn that things may...
Fitness Fertility
- May 25, 2023
- 2 min
Exercise during IVF*
You've worked so hard to get fit and healthy for IVF and now you are starting treatment. So, the key question is, can you work out when...
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Fitness Fertility
- May 17, 2023
- 2 min
Weight training and fertility
Weight training, when done correctly and in moderation, can have positive effects on fertility. Here's how weight training can impact...
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Fitness Fertility
- Aug 8, 2022
- 2 min
Why it is important that your personal trainer understands your fertility journey.
You must have a trainer that understands what you are dealing with. Fitness for fertility, and fitness for preparing for IVF or fertility...
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Fitness Fertility
- Jul 24, 2022
- 2 min
Exercise and egg quality
Fitness for fertility. Exercise for fertility. This is a HUGE aspect of the infertility journey. Fitness for IVF. Fitness for...
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Fitness Fertility
- Jun 3, 2022
- 3 min
What to Expect When you are Not Expecting
"You can get pregnant at any moment. For any reason. She said you can get pregnant when you are awake, asleep, having a burger....." As...
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Fitness Fertility
- May 14, 2022
- 2 min
The Fitness Fertility Podcast
What a week. With a pregnancy announcement from a client plus the release of my new podcast, to say I am excited is an understatement!...
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Fitness Fertility
- May 6, 2022
- 1 min
Why you don't need to go hard before you go home.
Go hard or go home. Pain is weakness leaving the body. Wake up beauty, it's time to beast. The fitness industry is full of the same...
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Fitness Fertility
- Apr 20, 2022
- 1 min
Your blood flow and your fertility
So, you have your diet and healthy eating covered. You have your exercise plan covered. Missing anything? Ah yes. Are you increasing your...
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Fitness Fertility
- Apr 13, 2022
- 1 min
Losing weight fast can be damaging to your fertility
You need to lower your BMI before fertility treatment. You are sick of waiting. You've already been #ttc for years. So, you decide to...
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Fitness Fertility
- Apr 9, 2022
- 2 min
How much is too much?*
"My doctor said I can carry out "moderate" exercise when #ttc. What does this mean?" I get asked this question a lot. What does...
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Fitness Fertility
- Dec 30, 2021
- 2 min
Exercise and fertility: can it really help?
Exercise and fertility; can one help the other? The short answer is yes. And a bit of no, but mostly yes. Exercise can help fertility in...
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Fitness Fertility
- Dec 30, 2021
- 1 min
Are you looking for a personal trainer that understands your fertility journey?
Are you looking for a personal trainer who understands the journey you are on? My name is Maria and I am a personal trainer with PCOS. I...
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Fitness Fertility
- Oct 18, 2021
- 1 min
Halloween and infertility
Festivals can be a tricky time for those struggling with infertility. The holidays and child centric occasions, such as Halloween can be...
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Fitness Fertility
- Jun 21, 2021
- 1 min
Coffee and Fertility: what does the research say?
It's 11:00am, it's time for a little boost, right? But you are #ttc and so as you stand in the queue you can't decide. To coffee or not...
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Fitness Fertility
- Jun 14, 2021
- 7 min
PCOS and biscuits
“How did you first find out you had PCOS?” Hmm. I was asked this question recently and it really threw me a bit. It then led me down the...
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Fitness Fertility
- Jun 11, 2021
- 1 min
Exercise and weight loss. What exercises work best?
All exercises are equal, right? Wrong. Some exercises are better for weight loss than others and it can be a bit mind boggling figuring...
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Fitness Fertility
- May 26, 2021
- 1 min
BMI and fertility
BMI. Weight. How low did you go? I know a number of men and women are trying to lose weight, or rather lower their BMI so that they can...
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Fitness Fertility
- May 26, 2021
- 1 min
Trigger warning. Or rather, I could have done with one. I thought I was through the triggering stage. I have a 5 year old and a 9 month...
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Fitness Fertility
- May 13, 2021
- 1 min
How much weight do I actually have to lose to improve my fertility?
Brennan et al. (2017) cites a study that has shown that a weight loss of 5- 10% of the patient’s body weight can significantly increase...
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